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Books & Book Chapters

Goh, S.C. et al (2020).  Malaysian preschool teacher's teaching efficacy, perceived English langauge proficiency and attitudes towards English as a medium of instruction.. Perak, Malaysia: National Child Development Research Centre (NCDRC).


Goh, S.C. et al (2020).  A systematic review of the factors that hinders and challenges preschool teachers’ use of the English Language in instructional tasks. Perak, Malaysia: National Child Development Research Centre (NCDRC).


Goh, P.S.C. (2016). Pre-service teachers’ approaches to learning and their learning outcomes: A Malaysian experience. In R. B. King & A. B. I. Bernardo (Eds.). The Psychology of Asian Learners: A Festschrift in Honor of David Watkins. Springer Asia. [Print ISBN: 978-981-287-575-4 / Online ISBN: 978-981-287-576-1]


Goh, P.S.C., Wong, K.Y., & Lin, C.Y. (2015). Discerning beginning teachers’ conceptions of competence through a phenomenographic investigation. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.). Teaching for tomorrow today. Auckland, New Zealand: Edify Ltd. [ISBN: 978-047-332-906-8]


Mohamad Ali Piah & Goh, S.C. (2015). Pembelajaran menggunakan Jigsaw II [Teaching using Jigsaw II]. In M. Hamzah, N. Mohamed Noh., & N, Abdullah (Eds.). Trend dan isu: Pengajaran dan pembelajaran [Trends and issue: Teaching and learning] Vol. 3 No. 1.  [ISSN: 2289-4780]


Goh, P.S.C., & Matthews, B. (2013). Concerns of student teachers: identifying emerging themes through self-assessment. In M. M. C. Mok (Ed.). Self-directed Learning Oriented Assessment in the Asia-Pacific. New York, NY: Springer [ISBN: 978-94-007-4506-3]


Wong, K.T., Osman, R., & Goh, S.C. (2013). Papan putih interaktif dalam bilik darjah di usia awal tahun: Pedagogi serta cabaran [Use of interactive Smart Board in preschools: Pedagogy and challenges]. In M. Hamzah, A.T. Mohamed Hashim, N. Mohamed Noh., & N, Abdullah (Eds.). Trend dan isu: Pengajaran dan pembelajaran [Trends and issue: Teaching and learning] Vol. 1 No. 1 & 2. [ISSN 2289-4780]


Osman, R., & Goh, S.C. (2011). Pengajaran kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) [Teaching for higher order thinking skills]. In N. Abd. Rahman (Ed), Strategi dan kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran [Strategy and methods in teaching and learning]. Malaysia: Pearson. [ISBN: 977-967-349-145-2]


Goh, P. S.C. (2009).  Studying in higher education: students' approaches to learning, learning environment and learning outcomes. In B. Matthews., & T. Gibbons. (Eds). The Process of Research in Education. Shannon Research Press. Produced by: School of Education, Flinders University Australia. [ISBN: 978-1-920736-39-2]






Goh, P.S.C, & Wong, K.T. (2011). Theories and practices of teaching and learning. Open University Malaysia.


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