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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pauline Swee Choo Goh

(@ Pauline Goh)

D.Ed (Adelaide), M.Ed (USM), Grad. Cert. in Tertiary Teaching & Learning (RMIT),
B.Ed (UTas), Teacher Training Certificate (STTI Malaysia)


Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

1, Jalan Taylors

47500, Subang Jaya, Selangor



Tel: +6015-4879-7397 (office)



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I am an Associate Professor in the School of Education, Taylor's University Malaysia.
My research interests focus on aspects of teaching and learning, pedagogical knowledge, skills and practices of teachers, and using narrative pedagogy in teaching and learning. This interests have seen me published numerous articles in high impact journals and book chapters in the field of education and teacher education.
Due to my enduring interest in research, I have obtained numerous research grants, namely from, the AFI Foundation Acheh Indonesia, the Exploratory Research Grant Scheme of the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme of the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the National Child Development Research Center Malaysia. My most recent project (funded by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia) is to identify the criteria necessary for the design of a maturity model to remedy the widespread shortcomings to assess Higher Education 4.0 readiness for the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Malaysia. 
Please contact me so that we can start a discussion on research areas of mutual interest.
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